by LS
One of the good items included in the
Salon Ovations book is a brief aromatherapy reference guide, which I
include below with some personal observations on some of them.
I provide you with a short list of the
most common or popular herbal scents and their uses. But first, it
may be helpful to first group herbs by their usefulness in applying
them to a particular situation:
Lavender is probably best known of this
group's members. The whole list is: Camphor, Chamomile, Clary Sage,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Melissa, Rose,
Ylang Ylang.
Chamomile, Jasmine, and Rose all lend
themselves to use as a tea. An herbal mix of any of these may be
blended and stuffed into a closely-woven mini-pillow for use as a
sleep aid.
Camphor, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus,
Oregano, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Spearmint, and Thyme. Rosemary
really is for remembrance! And many people find that a hankie with a
few drops of peppermint oil on it helps when they have to think hard;
take a whiff before exams or writing reports.
Birch, Cedarwood, Cypress,
Frankincense, Grapefruit, Juniper, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sage, and
Sandalwood. For external use, essential oils from these plants can be
helpful in healing skin breaks or preventing breakouts.
Chamomile, Neroli, Orange, Patchouli,
and Rose.
Many women enjoy lotions based on such
things as almond oil, olive oil, or other high-quality oils with a
touch of one of these essential oils. Orange and Rose give a very
pleasing scent to the hands and face, too.
Basil, Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender,
Melissa, Neroli, Sage, Sandalwood, and Ylang Ylang.
Lavender scent has even been shown to
lower blood pressure in controlled studies. Chamomile is popular in
teas taken before bedtime. Lavender is essential in any herbal sleep
Chamomile, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender,
and Neroli.
I am still waiting for commercial
topical ointments to be made using these herbal ingredients, but one
can still make one's own blend by adding a few drops of essential oil
to a good olive oil, almond oil or peanut oil base.
Bergamot, Cedarwood, Lemon, Lemongrass,
Myrrh, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Thyme, and Ylang Ylang. Peppermint and
Thyme are members of the mint family, which carry an ingredient
called thymol, a natural antiseptic.
THE ANALGESIC (painkilling) HERBS-
Camphor, Chamomile, Clove, Eucalyptus,
Lavender, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, and Wintergreen. Some of
these like the mints and wintergreen are very cooling, which soothes
hot, inflamed areas or injuries. You may also find that adding a few
drops of essential oil to your after-bath lotion can ease the
soreness after a hard day of cycling or playing sports – try
eucalyptus, or for very hard physical effort, camphor. Clove oil, of
course, can be applied directly to toothache until you can get to
your dentist.
BASIL- Anti-stress, antiseptic,
or toning.
BENZOIN GUM- Antiseptic,
sedative, or euphoric (raises one's mood).
BERGAMOT- Anti-acne, helpful
for psoriasis or eczema, antiseptic, healing, deodorizing, fights
infection, uplifting. Do not expose to sun.
BIRCH BARK- Astringent, similar
action to wintergreen, reduces muscle soreness and joint stiffness.
CAMPHOR WOOD- Stimulating and
soothing, tends to cool first and then heat. Stimulates heart. Is
analgesic, antiseptic, rubefacient, sometimes a vasoconstrictor.
Stimulates circulation. Overuse could be toxic, so if you have
chronic muscle or joint pain you should see a physician to determine
your exact condition.
CEDAR WOOD- Antiseptic,
astringent, sedative. Helpful for treating skin eruptions, psoriasis,
eczema, or seborrhea.
CHAMOMILE- Calms the nerves,
sedative, soothes inflammation, reduces stress, antidepressant,
antiseptic, analgesic, anti-allergenic. Good for minor burns.
Commercially used as a colorant. May reduce body temperature (that
is, it may be used for minor fevers). Keeps other plants healthy, so
it is good to have it in your herb garden.
CINNAMON- Antiseptic,
stimulant, warming in cold weather. Adding this to your food in
winter helps you keep up your body temperature. Must be diluted.
CLARY SAGE- Antidepressant,
relaxant, antiseptic, calming, euphoric, warming, sedative.
CLOVE- Analgesic, antiseptic,
stimulating, strengthens memory, soothes muscles. Must be diluted.
(fruit)- Vasoconstrictor, antiseptic, astringent, sedative, helpful
for varicose veins. Has similar effects to juniper and pine.
EUCALYPTUS- One of the best
antiseptics, disinfectant, analgesic, astringent, rubefacient, and
decongestant. Helpful for sore muscles. Has a pronounced cooling
effect on the body; helpful for fevers.
FENNEL SEED- Antiseptic, toning,
calming, astringent, sedative, warming, toning, rejuvenating. Slight
anti-inflammatory effect.
GERANIUM- Anti-inflammatory,
enhances relaxation, analgesic, antiseptic, sedative. Blends well
with other oils. Reduces anxiety and is uplifting.
GRAPEFRUIT- Astringent,
cleansing, stimulant, toning. Has anti-cellulite effect or reduces
water retention.
JASMINE FLOWER- Soothing, relaxing,
antiseptic, anti-depressant, slight anti-inflammatory effect. Is
considered the queen of flowers due to the fact it is somewhat more
expensive than others.
JUNIPER (fruit)- Astringent,
antiseptic, invigorating, toning, anti-toxic, rubefacient, diuretic.
Has both stimulating and relaxing effects. Stimulates circulation.
LAVENDER- Antiseptic, relaxant,
analgesic, anti-toxic, diuretic, sudorific, reduces inflammation,
very cleansing and purifying, anti-stress, soothes burns, anti-acne.
Considered the most useful and versatile.
LEMON (fruit)- Antiseptic,
bactericidal, detoxifies, purifies.
LEMONGRASS- Antiseptic,
purifying, sedative and stimulating at the same time. Great for oily
hair and skin. Must be diluted.
MELISSA- Antiseptic,
anti-depressant, relaxing, stress-busting, anti-allergenic.
MYRRH GUM- Antiseptic,
astringent, sedative, toning, purifies, reduces inflammation, cools
the skin, anti-aging?
(flower)- Anti-depressant, calming, softens the face, sedative,
non-irritating, soothes redness and inflammation, induces calm.
(Neroli comes from the bitter orange, Citrus vulgaris, which
should not be confused with sweet orange oil.)
SWEET ORANGE- Calming, soothing,
reduces nervousness. Revives the complexion.
OREGANO- Antiseptic, analgesic,
muscle relaxant, stimulant, energizes.
PATCHOULI- Antiseptic,
anti-depressant, sedative, nerve stimulant, rejuvenating. Good for
dry skin. Similar to myrrh in effects.
PEPPERMINT- Antiseptic,
analgesic, cooling, sedative, antibacterial, vasoconstrictor. Main
ingredient is menthol.
PINE WOOD- Antiseptic, reduces
fatigue, reduces muscle stiffness. Great for the bath as a soak.
ROSE- Antiseptic, astringent,
sedative, relieves stress or tension, purifies and cleanses,
re-hydrates, cooling, anti-depressant. Good on dry skin. Is the queen
of flowers due to its cost and the fact it is the least toxic of all
ROSEMARY- Antiseptic, toning,
helps memory, loss, very stimulating, analgesic, invigorating, also
reduces muscle soreness. Is a universal aid.
SAGE- Stimulant, astringent,
antiseptic, toning, uplifting, restores energy of whole entity.
SANDALWOOD- Antiseptic,
astringent, sedative, toning, anti-depressant, reduces nervous
tension, soothing. Good for acne.
SPEARMINT- Stimulant,
antiseptic, soothes redness, invigorating. Similar to camphor –
cooling then warming.
TEA TREE- Anti-bacterial,
fungicidal, virucidal, sudorific, energizes. Great for acne.
Stimulant to the immune system.
THYME- Antiseptic, reduces
fatigue, germicidal, non-irritating. Must be diluted.
WINTERGREEN- Antiseptic,
analgesic, relieves sore muscles and joints. Must be diluted.
YLANG YLANG- Sedative, calms the
nerves, anti-depressant, decongestant, relaxing. One of the most
pleasant to use. Good on oily skin. Euphoric.