Because I whole-heartedly support natural and herbal treatments as allied and complementary medicine --- herewith are twenty-three herbal treatments for cancer, which come from an old book by Brother Aloysius. It is just one of hundreds of books which have been sneered at and hidden away by The Powers That Be in conventional medicine. Rather than scientifically investigate these traditional medicines, they chose to not only close off this knowledge from the public, but forbade medical students to study these books – OR EVEN KNOW OF THESE BOOKS. Conventional medicine decreed that only pharmaceutical medicines and occasional surgery were bona fide treatments for any illness or disease, a decision formalized in 1910 by what is known as the Flexner Report.
Anyway, here are Brother Aloysius’ recommendations. You are free to use any of them in support of whatever conventional treatment you elect. Many people elect to go to a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in addition to their Western-trained physicians, precisely because they use herbal-based medicines.
NOTE: Reprints: You are encouraged to reprint and distribute the cancer remedies. No, I do not own the rights and I do not guarantee the results, but there can be no “rights” to healing knowledge. Medical cures are a right that we all own.
CANCER-like ulcerations can sometimes be treated successfully by
means of the following remedies:
1- Boil together in 1 quart water:
1/8 cup oak bark
1/3 cup sage
2 tablespoons common wormwood
1/3 cup tormentil
1/2 cup horsetail
When the ingredients have boiled for fifteen minutes, strain through a cloth. Then add 1/2 pound honey and bring to a boil again briefly. Wipe the sores with this twice a day. The herbs can also be steeped in alcohol and the honey added later.
2- Place a fairly thick layer of CARROT scrapings on the sores and renew it as soon as it begins to dry.
3- According to Mathiolus, there is no remedy more splendid for curing cancer than the herb of the BLESSED THISTLE (Cnicus Cbenedictus). A woman with cancer of the breast, eaten nearly through to the bone, was cured [cured!] by a decoction of the blessed herb. The sores should be washed four times a day with the decoction and, after each wash, powder from the dried leaves should be sprinkled on them. This remedy is also excellent for old sores.
4- Drink tea made from GOOSEGRASS. In addition, place the freshly cut herb on the sores, or use compresses of the decoction of dried goosegrass.
5- Mix together fresh COMFREY crushed with rye bread and place this on the cancerous sores.
6- It is also recommended to apply crushed fresh CHERVIL mixed with honey.
7- It is most efficacious to drink three cups AGRIMONY TEA daily, and to use powdered agrimony root in all food.
8- Crushed fresh green leaves of AGRIMONY, mixed with lard, applied as a plaster, is very beneficial for cancer or fistulas.
9- Bruised CINQUEFOIL with the root, mixed with old lard (pork fat) applied as a plaster is a very effective remedy.
10- Crush fresh STINGING NETTLES, add a little salt, and apply on the cancer sores.
11- Make a strong decoction of leaves, stalks and seeds of the white dead-NETTLE (Lamium album), and apply throughout the day as compresses.
12- Put live (male) LOBSTERS in the oven to dry in an earthenware pot; pound them to a fine powder; take some of the powder and mix with an equal quantity of finely chopped GARLIC. Place this mixture in a very fine linen bag, sew up the bag, tightly bind it to the cancerous area by means of a bandage so that it cannot slip. Leave for 24 hours, then remove it and bury it forthwith in the ground as it spreads a pestilential air. Before removing the bag, it is advisable to tie a cloth with some kind of perfume, camphorated spirit or simply vinegar over the nose. The bag should not be removed with bare hands.
Immediately after removal of the bag, a quantity of elder flowers drawn in buttermilk, or boiled in it, should be bound over the cancerous area. The patient should drink a little buttermilk and rest in bed for 12 hours.
The elder flowers should then be removed.
If the cancer is not cured [cured!—Isn’t that amazing?] the last remedy should be repeated. As long as the bag of lobster powder, etc., remains on the cancerous area, the patient should be kept awake [NOTE: danger of noxious fumes]. A priest, who had cancer of the tongue, informed me that he was cured in 24 hours by means of this remedy. The scar could be clearly seen. It should be noted that this remedy is for closed cancer.
13- The sap of the common TOADFLAX (Antirrhinum linaria) with the sap of the greater burnet SAXIFRAGE cannot be praised highly enough for cancer sores.
14- Apply WINE-YEAST mixed with an equal quantity of ALUM to the cancerous place.
15- JUNIPER WOOD OIL is praised for both internal and external cancer.
16- [RECIPE] The following cancer ointment has been most highly recommended to me and used for more than 30 years by a brother in the monastery:
1 1/4 cup old pork fat
3 1/3 pounds yellow wax
5/8 cup olive oil
1/2 cup sage
1/2 cup white lily bulbs
2/3 cup black tar
1/2 cup sugar candy
1/4 ounce lead oxide
14 ounces red lead
4 ounces white vitriol
3 teaspoons spirits of white vitriol
Fry the well-chopped pork fat, sage and lily bulbs together; firmly squeeze it through a cloth, place in a glazed earthenware pot, add tar, wax, oil and sugar, leave to boil slowly, stirring continually, until the water in the lily bulbs and sage has evaporated. Remove from the fire, allow to cool a little, then add, while stirring, the lead oxide, the red led, the white vitirol, and the vitriol spirits and keep on stirring until the ointment is stiff and cold. During the boiling process scum will form from the tar; this should be skimmed off.
The ointment should be smeared on chamois leather, applied and renewed once a day. The cancer sores should be kept really warm while this ointment is being used.
This cancer ointment may be applied to both open and closed cancers. In addition, the patient should drink three cups of tea made from walnut leaves picked halfway through June.
17- Take equal quantities of FIGS, GARLIC and LEAVEN; pound them together in a china mortar. With open cancer or cancer sores, apply a fresh poultice daily, preferably in the morning.
18- Pound some GARLIC and place between two thin linen cloths on open or closed cancer. With open cancer renew every hour, with closed cancer as soon as it begins to dry. (Pub. note: this will burn the skin and form scar tissue.)
19- For cancer of the womb [Possibly they mean ovaries?] , take WALNUT BLOSSOM TEA.
20- For internal cancer, or stomach cancer, tea made from the leaves of the MARIGOLD (calendula officinalis) is most efficacious.
21- For cancer of the tongue, a recommended remedy is to sprinkle CAMPHOR powder on the affected area a few times daily and to take mouth washes of HORSETAIL TEA and salt. It is also good to give the tongue a daily cold watering, if the cancer is near the tip of the tongue. [Caused by Tobacco?]
22- A lady from Brussels was cured in six months of a bleeding cancer, which had been treated unsuccessfully for a long time by using the following remedies. Throughout the day, use as many compresses of HORSETAIL decoction as possible, alternating now and then with compresses of alum water. In addition, each week use two short compresses of hayseed decoction and a few washes. The lady, who is now about 80, still enjoys good health.
23- To remove the putrid SMELL of cancer, try using finely pounded cloves that have been boiled in vinegar to keep the air pure. Or place ground coffee in the room. You could also mix 100 parts pure gypsum with 3 parts coal tar and place in the room.